Editing Rune Drop Rate Diablo 2 Phrozen Throne Site D2mods.info
The following file lists pertain to Blizzard files only.
File Guides
Armor.txt by Kingpin et al. [ex Nefarius] (accurate)
AutoMagic by Quatl (accurate)
AutoMap.txt by Red Havoc (accurate)
CharStats.txt by Nefarius (accurate)
CubeMain.txt by Myhrginoc [ex Nefarius] (accurate)
DifficultyLevels.txt by Joel et al. [ex Nefarius] (accurate) [updated by Nefarius, 11th Jan., 2007)
Gems.txt by Nefarius (accurate)
Hireling.txt by Drac0 and Ric Faith (accurate)
Inventory.txt by Nefarius (accurate)
ItemRatio.txt by Ulmo (accurate)
ItemStatCost.txt by Nefarius (accurate)
ItemTypes.txt by Nefarius (accurate)
Levels.txt by Kingpin [ex. Nefarius] (accurate)
LvlMaze.txt by Myhrginoc (accurate)
LvlPrest.txt by Xenast (accurate)
LvlSub.txt by I_only_pressed_Esc (accurate)
MagicPrefix.txt by Nefarius (accurate)
MagicSuffix.txt by Nefarius (accurate)
Misc.txt by Kingpin and Ric Faith (accurate)
Missiles.txt by Nefarius and Brother Laz (accurate)
MonEquip.txt by Nefarius (accurate)
MonLvl.txt by Kingpin (accurate)
MonProp.txt by cla$$ics (accurate)
MonSeq.txt by Nefarius (accurate)
MonSounds.txt by Nefarius (accurate)
MonStats.txt by Nefarius (accurate)
MonStats2.txt by Nefarius (accurate)
MonType.txt by Nefarius (accurate)
MonUMod.txt by 54x and Red Havoc (accurate)
NPC.txt by Nefarius [ex Phrozen Heart and Mordini] (accurate)
ObjGroup.txt by Nefarius (accurate)
Objects.txt by Nefarius (should be more or less accurate)
PetType.txt by HellSpawn (accurate)
Properties.txt by Joel (revised by Myhrginoc 8/22/06)
QualityItems by Quatl (accurate)
Runes.txt by Nefarius (accurate)
SetItems.txt by Alkalund & Char (revised by Myhrginoc 6/5/06)
Sets.txt by Alkalund (revised by Myhrginoc 10/19/07)
SkillDesc.txt by Ric Faith (accurate)
Skills.txt by Nefarius (accurate) [FINALLY]
States.txt by Nefarius (accurate)
SuperUniques.txt by 54x and Red Havoc (accurate)
TreasureClassEx.txt / TreasureClass.txt by Nefarius (accurate)
Weapons.txt by Kingpin and Ric Faith (accurate)
UniqueItems.txt by Nefarius (accurate)
Hardcoded reference tables:
These files are lookup tables that link hardcoded data with the txt files, you need to edit the code to edit these
ArmType.txt - lookup table for armor type (light, heavy, medium) codes.
BodyLocs.txt - lookup table for equipment cells codes
Colors.txt - lookup table for in-game color shift codes
CompCode.txt - lookup table for DCC Animation Component Subtype IDs (this can be expanded)
Composit.txt - lookup table for DCC Animation Component IDs
CubeMod.txt - lookup table for cube specific quality codes (and gem types)
CubeType.txt - lookup table for cube specific item codes
ElemTypes.txt - lookup table for damage type codes
Events.txt - lookup table for event codes
HitClass.txt - lookup table for weapon hitclass codes
HireDesc.txt - lookup table for hireling subtype codes
LowQualityItems - lookup table for the grades of crude items
MissCalc.txt - lookup table for the Missiles.txt Calc Functions
MonAi.txt - lookup table for the unit AI codes
MonMode.txt - lookup table for monster animation mode codes
MonPlace.txt - lookup table for hardcoded DS1 enemy setups
ObjMode.txt - lookup table for object animation mode codes
PlayerClass.txt - lookup table for class codes
PlrMode.txt - lookup table for player animation mode codes
SkillCalc.txt - lookup table for the Skills.txt Calc Functions
StorePage.txt - lookup table for vendor item pages (weapons 1, weapons 2, armor, misc and magic)
WeaponClass.txt - lookup table for weapon classes.
No 1.10+ Fileguides
These files need to be documented for 1.10, most have 1.09 file guides, but better safe then sorry.
Books.txt (will be written by Nefarius)
Experience.txt (ditto)
LvlTypes.txt (there should be a guide)
LvlWarp.txt (there should be a file guide for this one too)
MonProp.txt (Now on Jeff's to-do list)
ObjType.txt (controls the graphics used by objects, a la 1.00-1.09 MonType.txt)
Overlay.txt (ditto)
PlrType.txt (controls the animation used by characters)
Shrines.txt (most fields except duration and reload are just reference)
Sounds.txt (never had a fileguide, in any version)
Gamble.txt - this is just a list of item codes from Weapons, Armor and Misc that are available for gambling.
MonPreset.txt - this is a softcoded object type 1 table for DS1 map object index, the first column controls the Act, the second the unit (from monstats, superuniques and monplace).
UniqueAppelation.txt - the extra suffix of a unique monster name (e.g. Blood Wing the Quick), this is just a list of string indexes.
UniquePrefix.txt - the prefix of a unique monster name (e.g. Blood Wing the Quick), this is just a list of string indexes.
UniqueSuffix.txt - the suffix of a unique monster name (e.g. Blood Wing the Quick), this is just a list of string indexes.
AiParams.txt - a txt file they wrote in WordPad that documents some AIs as they were in 1.00, but they gave up after the mummy.
Arena.txt - This file was intended for the unused duel-arena. The game accesses this and actually does count the amount of kills/deaths in PvP, but there is no way to access this without code editing.
CharTemplate.txt - Blizzard intended there to be several templates of a char (a la Infinity Engine games), this file initially was supposed to control the starting stats of the sub types of characters, the starting level, act and even skills they had...
MonItemPercent.txt - formerly defined the chance to drop organs, hearts, treasureclass and component items, this is no longer used as of 1.07.
MonName.txt - unused, originally had boss names (unrandom ones ), this was scrapped and left in the game files.
UniqueTitle.txt - unused, originally bosses had titles assigned to their names, like King, Chief, Prince etc.
MPQ Archives
I figured this was not recorded anywhere (at least I can't recall it being recorded anywhere) on the forums.
Patch_D2.mpq - the files modified since the release of the expansion (v 1.07) (or since the release of the game if you're playing classic D2, v. 1.00), hence the newest files are _always_ here.
D2Char.mpq - character graphics (DCC and COF) (do not replace this file with the one from the D2 Play Disk if you have the expansion installed, it contains essential data for LoD to run that is added at installation time)
D2Data.mpq - everything from TXTs, TBLs, monster, missile, overlay, object DCC files and COF files, to map files (DS1, DT1) to UI and item graphics (DC6), and basically everything not found in the other MPQs.
D2Exp.mpq - like D2Data.mpq, just that this was added in the expansion, this also contains the character graphics for Assassin and Druid classes and new classic char gfx (for class specific items).
D2Music.mpq - the wav music that is streamed during gameplay, originally resided on the D2C play disk.
D2SFX.mpq - the wav sound effects used by classic D2.
D2Speech.mpq - the localized speech wav files, mainly NPC and character speech.
D2XTalk.mpq - the localized speech wav files, for the expansion.
D2XMusic.mpq - the LoD wav music streamed at runtime (on the LoD disk). Copy this file to your Diablo II directory to eliminate almost all CD-ROM accesses, for some reason this is not done by the installation program.
D2XVideo.mpq - the LoD cinematics (on the LoD disk).
D2Video.mpq - the D2C cinematics (on the D2C Cinematics disk)
================================= If you have a submission let me know via a PM (submit the guide via PM or post it in GMM). Do not post in this thread please. If you are working on a fileguide please inform me so that I can post your "to do list" in this annoucment, this is to avoid possible conflicts
Last edited by Volf on Tue Feb 05, 2013 7:01 am, edited 49 times in total.
Reason: Fixed broken links
Editing Rune Drop Rate Diablo 2 Phrozen Throne Site D2mods.info
Source: https://d2mods.info/forum/viewtopic.php?t=34455
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